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Misteri Tak Terungkai....

Sebenarnya wilayah Segitiga Bermuda ini tak benar bila dikatakan segitiga, sebab atas-batas dari petunjuk kapal-kapal atau pesawat terbang yang hilang sudah melebihi dari bentuk bsegitiga itu. Segitiga itupun hanya merupakan imajinasi saja. Bila kita ambil peta, kita buka di bagian Amerika Tengah, di sana terdapat banyak kepulauan Hindia Barat. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk dari Segitiga Bermuda itu, kita tarik garis dari kota Miami ke kota San Juan di Puerto Rico; dari San Juan ke pulau Bermuda; dan kembali ke Miami di daerah Florida, Amerika.
Meskipun sebenarnya misteri Segitiga Bermuda ini “milik” orang Amerika, tak apalah kita turut memperbincangkannya. Sebenarnya tempat semacam ini ada pula di tempat lain, juga di Amerika, yaitu di sebuah danau yang bernama Ontario, bahkan lebih “mengerikan” dari Segitiga Bermuda.
Dari berbagai kesimpulan, jarum kompas dan peralatan pesawat yang akan hilang selalu mendapat gangguan dan mereka seperti tak melihat air dan dari gejalan ini disimpulkan, di dasar laut sana tentu terdapat sebuah medan magnetik yang kuat sekali, yang sanggup mengganggu kompas atau menarik kapal itu sampai ke dasar laut yang dalam.
Tak cukup bila saya menguraikan seluruh peristiwa, dan itu juga tak menjurus pada masalah penyelesaian. Tetapi mengenai peristiwa bentuk gaib di Segitiga bermuda ini dapat dikemukakan dan mungkin teori-teori yang banyak mengenai Segitiga Bermuda. Mungkin di udara terdapat semacam gangguan atmosfir yang berupa “lubang di langit”. Ke lubang itulah pesawat terbang masuk tanpa sanggup untuk keluar lagi. Dari misteri "Lubang di Langit" ini membentuk sebuah teori tentang adanya semacam perhubungan antara dunia dengan dimensi lain. Lubang di Langit itu dianggap semacam alat transportasi seperti tampak di film Star Trek. Ataukah bentuk Lubang di Langit itu UFO? Orang sering menghubungkan hilangnya pesawat kita dengan munculnya UFO. Lantas, apakah hilangnya mereka itu karena diculik oleh UFO? Malah hasilnya hanya mendapat pertanyaan tanpa jawaban.
Ada tempat di Segitiga Bermuda yang disebut Tongue of the Ocean atau “Lidah Lautan”. Lidah Lautan mempunyai jurang bawah laut (canyon) Bahama. Ada beberapa peristiwa kecelakaan di sana. Tidak banyak yang belum diketahui tentang Segitiga Bermuda, sehingga orang menghubungkan misteri Segitiga Bermuda ini dengan misteri lainnya. Misalnya saja misteri Naga Laut yang pernah muncul di Tanjung Ann, Massachussets AS, pada bulan Agustus 1917. Mungkinkah naga laut ini banyak meminta korban itu? Ataukah arus Cromwell di Lautan Pasifik yang menyebabkan adanya gelombang lautan disitu atau angin topan, gempa bumi di dasar lautan? Tak ada orang yang tahu.
Konon di sekitar kepulauan Bahama terdapat blue hole, yaitu semacam gua lautan. Dulu gua ini memang sungguh ada, tetapi setelah jaman es berlalu, gua ini terendam. Arus didalamnya sangat kuat dan sering membuat pusaran yang berdaya hisap. banyak kapal-kapal kecil atau manusia yang terhisap ke dalam blue hole itu tanpa daya, dan anehnya kapal-kapal kecil yang terhisap itu akan muncul kembali ke permukaan laut selang beberapa lama. Tapi yang menimbulkan pertanyaan ialah: Mungkinkah Blue Hole ini sanggup menelan kapal raksasa ke dasar lautan?
Misteri lain yang masih belum terungkap adalah misteri Makhluk Laut Sargasso, yang bukan semata-mata khayalan. Di Lautan Sargasso itu banyak kapal yang tak pernah sampai ke tujuannya dan terkubur di dasar laut itu. Di sana terhimpun kapal-kapal dari berbagai jaman, harta karun, mayat tulang belulang manusia. Luas Laut Misteri Sargasso ini 3650 km untuk panjang dan lebarnya 1825 km, dan di sekelilingnya mengalir arus yang kuat sekali, sehingga membentuk pusaran yang sangat luas yang berputar perlahan-lahan searah jarum jam. Didasar lautnya terdapat pegunungan yang banyak dan mempunyai tebing dan ngarai yang terjal.
Keanehan lain di dekat pulau Puerto Rico, tampak suatu pancaran air raksasa yang membentuk cendawan atau kembang kol. Laut di tempat itu mempunyai kedalaman sampai 10 km. Kejadian ini sempat dilihat oleh awak pesawat Boeing 707 pada tanggal 11 April 1963. Menurut mereka cendawan air itu mempunyai garis tengah selebar 900-1800 meter dengan ketinggian separuhnya. Mungkin itu hanya percobaan nuklir dari negara Amerika atau lainnya? Tapi pihak Amerika tidak membenarkannnya, sebab tak mungkin mencoba bom di jalur penerbangan. Mungkin ledakan itu berasal dari kapal selam nuklir Thresher yang hilang sehari sebelumnya, tapi lokasi hilangnya kapal selam itu ribuan km dari sana.
Ada sebuah tempat di perairan Boca Raton, yang di sana terdapat sebuah pipa bergaris tengah 20 cm. Jelas bukan milik Amerika (untuk lebih lanjut: Orang Bumi). Peristiwa ini dilihat oleh suami istri Lloyd Wingfields. Mereka melihat sebuah tiang asap disana, dan ketika didekati oleh mereka, tampak sebuah pipa yang muncul dari dasar laut yang merupakan sumber keluarnya asap itu. Asap itu sendiri tak mengeluarkan bau dan berwarna kekuning-kuningan. Mungkinkah pipa itu tertancap dari sumber api di dasar laut? Pangkalan UFO di dasar lautkah yang menyebabkannya? Lagipula kedalaman laut itu cukup dalam, sehingga mereka tak berani menyelam untuk melihat lebih lanjut, juga mereka melihat (sesudahnya) sebuah helikopter yang mengalami kerusakan mesin dan berusaha mendarat darurat di laut.
Ulasan lain, di daerah Kutub Selatan ada sebuah lubang besar yang menghubungkan dunia luar dengan dunia lain. Pernah ada orang bernama Admiral Bryd, melihat dari kapal terbang ke Barat di kutub selatan sebelah darat menghijau dengan danau yang tak membeku dan binatang liar mirip bison dan melihat seperti manusia-manusia purba. Sebagai ilmuwan Bryd melaporkan peristiwa yang disaksikannya itu, tapi tak ada yang mempercayainya.

Lebih lanjut tentang: Misteri Segitiga bermuda yang sebenarnya 

Segitiga Bermuda Masih Mesteri.....

Bagi Anda yang gemar kisah misteri, pasti mengenal Segitiga Bermuda. Wilayah laut di selatan Amerika Serikat dengan titik sudut Miami (di Florida), Puerto Rico (Jamaica), dan Bermuda ini, telah berabad-abad menyimpan kisah yang tak terpecahkan. Misteri demi misteri bahkan telah dicatat oleh pengelana samudera macam Christopher Columbus.

Lebih dari itu, tak jauh dari kapal, pada suatu malam tiba-tiba para awaknya dikejutkan dengan munculnya bola-bola api yang terjun begitu saja ke dalam laut. Mereka juga menyaksikan lintasan cahaya dari arah ufuk yang kemudian menghilang begitu saja.
Begitulah Segitiga Bermuda. Di wilayah ini, indera keenam memang seperti dihantui ’suasana’ yang tak biasa. Namun begitu rombongan Columbus masih terbilang beruntung, karena hanya disuguhi ‘pertunjukkan’. Lain dengan pelintas-pelintas yang lain.

ClearBlack display is impressive...Nokia E7...

If you have been keeping track you would know we like the Nokia N8 for its design too. With an all-metal unibody, nice curvy lines and large ClearBlack AMOLED screen there’s little that can possibly go wrong with the E7 too.
And even though there’s a full keyboard folding below the display, the Nokia E7 still looks nearly as thin as the N8. We cannot give it anything but excellent marks on exterior.
Much like the N8, the Nokia E7 will be available in a few bright colors, in addition to the regular silver and dark grey versions. With Blue, Orange and Green, Nokia will be looking beyond the usual corporate demand.
The Nokia E7 has a 4” ClearBlackAMOLED display of nHD resolution. The bezel around it is on the wide side, but the screen is still impressive enough to get all the attention.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
The 4” ClearBlack AMOLED screen
Not only does the Nokia E7 4” screen represent a size upgrade over the 3.5” unit on the N8, but it also packs the new ClearBlack technology that we appreciated so much on the Nokia C6-01.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
The ClearBlack technology makes a great display even more impressive
And just as the C6-01, the E7’s CB AMOLED display is keen to impress with image quality. Class-leading black levels, ultra-wide viewing angles and good color rendering are its strongest assets. There’s a noticeable warm cast to the whites, but we can’t say it’s too bothersome. Still thanks to that you won’t see any pure white on the screen – it’s rendered more like beige so if color accuracy matters to you, you’d better scratch E7 from the shopping list.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
The E7 screen even has a slight edge over Super AMOLED in terms of viewing angles and contrast
Sunlight legibility is top-notch so you won’t have any trouble using the Nokia E7 under direct sunlight. It was the last frontier for AMOLED to conquer.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
The Samsung I9003 Super Clear LCD stands no chance against the E7 display
And for Nokia, the last limitation to overcome is screen resolution. Just like the rest of the Symbian^3 gang, the Nokia E7 screen has nHD resolution, 360 x 640 pixels. You won’t notice pixels going around the UI, but the difference to FWVGA droids and the iPhone 4 Retina screen is noticeable when viewing images/documents or browsing the web.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
Nokia N8 vs. Nokia E7 (right)
As we’ve come to expect from a Nokia capacitive screen, the sensitivity and vibration are pretty impressive. Now there are hardly any capacitive units to have response issues, but Nokia has a certain edge over competitors as far as haptics are concerned.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
Samsung I9000 Galaxy S vs. Nokia E7 (right)
The thing is so well tweaked that it brings a notable improvement in user experience. It almost feels as if vibration is always coming from right under your finger, instead of being sourced from the same place every time.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
Samsung I9003 Galaxy SL (left) vs. Nokia E7 (right)

Slider and keyboard

As customers demand slimmer and slimmer phones with every new generation, designing side sliders becomes and increasingly difficult task. In the Nokia E7, you just can’t help but admire the fact that the phone is nearly as slim as the N8.
That and the actual form factor make sliding the Nokia E7 open a tricky task. It’s roughly the same construction used on the N97: the sliding bit has a massive hinge that allows it to pop open, tilted for comfortable use.
You don’t slide up as in most other phones but rather push down the side of the screen. When the upper part lifts up enough, the spring assisted hinge will take over and complete the move.
It takes a pretty strong push and the first few times we tried, we had the feeling that we are going to catapult the phone with our thumbs so be careful here.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
Operating the stiff E7 slider mechanism takes some time getting used to
It’s about the same experience you get with the Desire Z, but the hinge feels a lot more solid and less likely to get damaged with use.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
The hinge seems fit to last
But once you are past the tricky slide-up you get yourself a nice comfy keyboard with four rows of rubbery, tactile and well-spaced keys. The keys have a rather short stroke but that’s probably the only thing to dislike. The backlighting is impressive, so is craftsmanship.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
The QWERTY keyboard is a joy to use
With so much space available it was probably easy for the Nokia designers to create such a good keyboard but that doesn’t take away anything from the E7.
The general build quality of the Nokia E7 is excellent. With reinforced glass on the front and extremely durable aluminum casing the phone is built to last. Numerous tests have proven that getting the thing scratched isn’t an easy thing to do.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
Handling the Nokia E7
The ergonomics of the device are commendable too. The slider takes some time getting used to but the hinge feels durable and the screen tilt is quite comfortable.

Nokia E7 cool....

Nokia made it a habit of delivering their high-end smartphones in well stuffed boxes and we were happy to find that the E7 is no exception. All the cables you might possibly need are supplied so you will need to spend on nothing extra, except perhaps a carrying case.
You have the mandatory charger, manual and data cable, which can also be used for charging.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
The box is brimming with content
Next on the list is the cable to use the USB-on-the-go feature on your Nokia N8. It’s a slightly modified microUSB jack on one end and a regular female USB port on the other. By the way Nokia has widely improved the range of supported devices compared to the N8, but more on that later.
You also get a miniHDMI cable, which you can plug directly into your HDTV and start streaming content from your E7.
Finally, there’s the one-piece headset and some leaflets. There’s no microSD card, of course as the E7 has no memory slot.

Nokia E7 360-degree spin

The E7 is a big phone and no one ever tried to keep it secret. Even Nokia chose to be casual and relaxed about it in their official announcement. In our books, 123.7 x 62.4 x 13.6 mm and 104.9 cc of volume is certainly big but in the communicator form factor actual handling is more important than size. And the E7 has nothing to be ashamed of in that department.
Big is big but thin is thin. The slim waistline is remarkable for a side slider and a boost to pocketability.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
The Nokia E7 sized up against the Nokia N8 and the Apple iPhone 4
Quite understandably, the Nokia E7 is also a pretty heavy device, at 176 g, but that’s a price we’d gladly pay for the metal chassis and excellent build quality.

Design and construction

Above the display is a centrally placed earpiece, with a video-call camera on its right side. On the left are the ambient light and the proximity sensors.
Nokia E7 
The video-call camera and a bunch of sensors above the display
Below the display is the solitary menu key. There was no room for hardware call keys and a back button here, which is a bit of a pity. A proper back key is a great boost to usability, especially given the multi-layer UI of Symbian^3. We guess, you get used to that eventually.
Nokia E7 
The menu key is the only button on the front
The top of the Nokia E7 features the power key, which also handles screen lock and the ringing profiles. The HDMI port, the charging microUSB port and the 3.5mm audio jack are here too. Of the three apertures only the HDMI port is hidden under a small plastic lid to keep dust and dirt away.
The microUSB on the other hand is complemented by a tiny LED that indicates charging.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
There are three jacks on the Nokia E7 top
The Nokia E7 HDMI port supports 720p TV-output which – combined with DivX and XviD support and the Nokia big screen app - allow the E7 to rival your home media entertainment center.
The Nokia E7 left-hand side packs the screen lock/unlock slider, which is reasonably large and comfortable to use.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
The screen lock slider is pretty decent
However, we can’t say the same about the slider on the right that’s supposed to replace the volume rocker. We found that way too small and generally pretty uncomfortable to use.
The dedicated camera key and the SIM card slot are also on the right.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
The SIM card slot, the camera key and the awkward volume slider are on the right
The bottom of the Nokia E7 features nothing but the mouthpiece. Unlike the N8, there’s no support for legacy Nokia chargers on this one.
Nokia E7 
There’s not much to see on the bottom
The back panel of the E7 is where most of the downgrade took place. The 12 megapixel autofocus camera had to go in exchange for an 8 megapixel fixed-focus unit and the powerful xenon flash was replaced by a far less impressive dual LED.
Nokia E7 Nokia E7 
The E7 8 megapixel fixed focus camera lens and dual LED flash
The sacrifice seems justified. It’s the Eseries flagship meaning it’s targeting a different set of users. And Nokia didn’t obviously want two of their finest killing each other.
The loudspeaker is also at the back, along with the second microphone used for active noise cancelation and stereo sound recording.
The Nokia E7 has the same 1200 mAh LI-Ion BL-4D battery as the N8. However the quoted battery times are different here: you get up to 480 hours (compared to 400 hours) of standby and up to 9 hours of talk time (vs 12h 30 min). Real-life performance is actually lower than what the N8 offers. The E7 lasted only two days of fairly heavy use.
In our dedicated video playback test, the Nokia E7 lasted 5:40h of constant video playback in our dedicated battery life test. The N8 managed 6:20h but the E7 battery has a bigger screen to worry about.
Once again, the battery isn’t user-replaceable (well, not easily, anyway) so carrying a second one in your pocket for longer spells without a charger is not an option